At Brinsworth Academy, our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors follow the MVP (Mentors in Violence Prevention) Programme. This encourages students to be upstanders, rather than bystanders within our school community.
The aim of the programme is to raise awareness about the potential harm of situations that may occur in the community. This challenges thinking in a constructive, non-judgemental way, opening dialogue so students can consider responsibility for themselves and their peers. By completing the programme, students are able to promote healthy and safe learning environments, equipping students with knowledge and safe options to help them support and/or challenge their peers.
As part of their training, students learn about:
- Developing Leadership
- Using a Bystander Approach
- Exploring violence through a gendered lens
- Recognising a continuum of violence
- Challenging Victim Blaming
As part of this ongoing work, students are encouraged to challenge derogatory language at the academy. Students and staff use the phrase “we do not accept that language here”, to promote safe, welcome environments for students to learn.
If you would like to be involved with our Anti-Bullying work at the academy, please speak to Mr Rayfield or one of the safeguarding team.